Learn and Celebrate Together!

Each year, the Massachusetts Coalition for Adult Education (MCAE) NETWORK Conference brings together more than 500 teachers, tutors, counselors, administrators, students, and advocates for high-quality professional development, to strengthen the practice of adult education in Massachusetts and to celebrate the passion, intelligence, and perseverance of a community so vital to the Commonwealth’s future.

Thank you for joining us for NETWORK 2021!
  • View the award presentations
  • Session recordings will be available for conference attendees soon. Watch your email for a link to these resources.

Save the date for upcoming NETWORK Conferences
  • May 1, 2024 (in-person)

The MCAE Conference Committee plans and coordinates all aspects of the annual NETWORK Conference. Committee responsibilities include determining workshop priorities, soliciting and selecting workshops, scheduling workshops and coordinating all logistical details prior to and during the conference. If you are interested in joining the Conference Committee please contact info@mcae.net.